#27 of 365 – “broken”



my father died

with little clue

of who

I had become,

and with no admittance

or confession

of what he

had done.

I don’t know

anymore, if I’m



trying to make

happy memories


that he’s gone.

I played catch

with my father,

got high with him

later on,

but always

with a nameless

hurt laying dormant

under the calm.

he was

a good man, I think,

beneath the man

that he was,

and I can’t know

why any man

does what he


but I miss him


even though

we’d hardly spoken,

and he loved me

even though

a huge part of him

was broken.

About Blackbird

Poet, artist, parent, crazy person - not necessarily in that order.
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7 Responses to #27 of 365 – “broken”

  1. Hey you, a late thank you. My dad passed when I was locked up in 1998. I really liked the poem as, it helped me let go just a little more.

    On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:00 PM, ElevenFifty9 wrote:

    > ** > Blackbird posted: “broken my father died with little clue of who I > had become, and with no admittance or confession of what he had done. I > dont know anymore, if Im remembering wrong, trying to make happy memories > now “

  2. sassy D says:

    Blackbird: Beautiful and wise. Understanding the human condition is the pathway to forgiveness. You are courageous.

  3. This is so sad but so beautifully written, and yes, very different from my poem, but honestly reflective and written with love I think.

    Thank you for following my blog. I would never be able to write a poem a day!! 😊


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